
On Dec 30 Tom Gahagen wrote: HTML5 Pocket Reference Review
I find all the pocket references books handy, it is cheap and informative. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Aug 30 Radhakrishna MV wrote: Handy, well-written Reference
HTML5 Pocket Reference is a handy resource for both rookie and experienced web developers who work with the shiny new version of HTML Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Aug 29 Doron Katz wrote: Concise and handy
The ever-so useful Pocket reference, Review of HTML5 Pocket Reference by Jennifer Niederst Robbins is in it’s fifth revision, and not a lot to say about it. it’s a consistently neat dictionary reference of the HTML5 tags and attributes, that I personally find handy to have by my side when I do HTML stuff, as do the seasoned HTML programming monkeys. Whilst it has no bells and whistles, the book has the precise structural flow of element, description, usage, attributes and example, so you know exactly what each element does, both in definition as well as contextually. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Aug 23 Gergo Bogdan wrote: Very Handy HTML5 reference
The book describes the main motivation behind HTML5, how the draft for HTML5 was created, who were the main contributors. The book presents which are the new semantic elements in HTML5 when and how should be these used. There is a section, which I consider very useful, about HTML5 event handlers. Each element and event handler is marked if that has a special behavior and is described what is the difference in certain situations. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

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Santosh Shanbhag, 64 Reviews

Surachart Opun, 61 Reviews

Doron Katz, 57 Reviews

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