
On Jun 23 Jose Betancur wrote: Easy to learn from
It is fun to read, and it seems that it apply the theories in the book itself, and that is an amazing feeling when your are learning from it. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Dec 27 Glenn Cogar wrote: Game theory can be fun
I have always been an aspiring game designer and developer and thought this would be a good one to read to get a few ideas. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Nov 22 Cerys Willoughby wrote: An opinion piece on why games are the way they are now and how they should develop in the future
If you are looking for ideas about why games look and behave the way they do now, why many are repetitive, derivative and fairly stagnant at this point in time, and want an opinion about they could evolve in the future then this book will be of interest to you. If you're interested in games design and why people want to play games, then you will probably find this interesting and easier to read than a formal book on game design theory. If you want a book that will give you ideas for the an entirely revolutionary game, it might give you that so long as you can read between the lines and make the leap on your own. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar3.0

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Michal Konrad Owsiak, 95 Reviews

Santosh Shanbhag, 64 Reviews

Surachart Opun, 61 Reviews

Doron Katz, 57 Reviews

Shawn Day, 55 Reviews

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Programming Computer Vision with Python

Grant van Staden wrote:
Broad Coverage of Computer Vision
This book takes a broad definition of what Computer Vision is. This allows it to… Full Review >

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