
On Jan 24 Diego Gonzalez wrote: Releasing HTML5 Games for Windows 8
Not a book for beginners, but O'Reilly has several introductory volumes to HTML5 that will acquire the necessary knowledge to understand spoken of this work. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Dec 28 Suyash P wrote: Good Book for Advance HTML5 game programmers.
This book is designed for Advance users and assumes to have advance level knowledge on HTML5, Java script and have designed HTML5 games before. Programmers with advance knowledge of porting games in HTML5 to Windows 8 is explained well. Deal with the cross browser compatibility while you port games to Windows 8 and RT. Pros: Book explains well on porting HTML 5 games for Windows 8 and publishing it to Windows Store. Cons: Book is targeted for Advance users; not for novice users those who want to learn HTML5 Games. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar3.0

On Dec 12 Marc Towler wrote: Good at covering most missed areas
Releasing HTML5 Games for Windows 8 is an interesting take on the HTML5 market and tries to bring you, the reader, up to speed and covers several key aspects that many books and tutorials miss. One key element that many miss is covering both touchscreen and non-touchscreen devices which is covered in this book to a sufficient detail to assist the reader. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

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