
On Feb 27 John Drews wrote: Diverse Subjects - great explanations
The version of this book I reviewed was covering iOS development up to iOS 6 - so it's a little outdated (already). This book still holds up. Mr. Allan shows a unique ability of teaching why things work the way they do. Most books just teach you how to do things.... Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Jan 16 Luiz Tiago Alves de Oliveira wrote: This was certainly the best book about iOS Development
Already on the book cover, there is the phrase "From Xcode to App Store". The book discusses many details about developing for iOS, but also have more basic things like installing and configuration of XCode. It's noteworthy that early in the book, he also explains things that are really boring, but they are necessary as well, creating developer's certificate (required to climb an app to the App Store) , test applications on authorized devices , and more things. Then begins the practical part with good examples. The author also addresses the easy way the diagram of an iOS application, network usage , data manipulation via WebService. Also explains how to use sensors and devices which are supported for each type of sensor, such as bluetooth, microphone, accelerometer, GPS, camera, etc. . At the end of the book , is also addressed important points like integration with iCloud , twitter / facebook and other social networks, as well as distribute their applications to the store. Of all the books I have read about developing for iOS, this was certainly the best :) Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Sep 7 Michael Piscatello wrote: "Learning iOS Programming" by Alasdair Allan
Learning iOS ProgrammingFrom Xcode to App StoreThe easy way to get started with iOS programming. Alasdair takes you through the baby steps to becoming a iOS developer like a caring parent with just the right amount of patience and prodding. Then skillfully takes you all the way to submitting an app… Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Sep 2 Natosha Miller wrote: great book
helpful to learn how to make your own app for apple products and how they work Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

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