
On Nov 14 Tushar Jain wrote: A new way of learning R
“Hands on programming with R” very nicely introduces its reader to R. The approach adopted by book is excellent. Book focuses on language features and its practical usage and takes readers to a smooth journey. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Oct 9 Matthew Halverson wrote: A much needed coverage of R's procedural programming
There are fairly few books that teach programming in R. The existing books on R either throw in a few comments about programming as a footnote or an example without providing great detail, or provide a chapter or two on programming as part of a larger book. In "Hands-On Programming With R," Garrett Grolemund breaks out of this mold and provides a coverage of R as a programming language. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0


On Dec 12 Eric Watt wrote: Great programming focused introduction to R
Garrett's book is exactly what I was looking for. Having some background in other languages, including some C++ and having just gone through Learning Python, I needed to get up to speed on R. The book is concise and well structured. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Sep 1 Arthur Zubarev wrote: A Fun, Fun to Read Book
In short, it is fun, fun to read! Every chapter or exercise is full of tasteful, useful insight as the author takes you thru accomplishing several very engaging projects. You will learn a wealth of not so obvious techniques which will help you build better performing, more accurate apps, faster working code with fewer bugs and jump with you into some under-explored areas or R. I like the part on vectorization the most, and even tried to change my code to doing it,but it is still a work in progress as I can't QA my change to my liking. The other parts of the book that I liked and trust will be of help to most readers are working with data-frames, matrices, vectors,lists, also environments (did not see this covered anywhere else). S3/4 and ref classes were, and largely remain obscure after reading this book. The plotting was hardly covered. Pity, it is such an in-demand topic.Integration with other languages is not there, too. So, there is room for more improvement, nevertheless, the book I foresee will spark more interest in exploring R further. The bottom line is,the book can serve as an additional or supplementary material and inspire more reading. I am giving this book four stars out of five. Disclaimer: the book was provided to me for free under the O'Reilly reader review program rules. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0


On Aug 27 Surachart Opun wrote: Awesome programming in R with practical data analysis projects
Awesome to learn in in practical data analysis projects (Weighted Dice, Playing Cards, Slot Machine), they are helpful to become Data Scientist. Readers can enjoy with it. It might not easy to follow for newbie in R, but advance much. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Aug 9 Brian Drye wrote: A Gentle Introduction to R and Programming in General
By working through 3 projects (ex: slot machine simulation) over several chapters, Garrett Grolemund introduces good programming practices and some important R foundational concepts (ex: functions, scoping, S3). The book is appropriate for people new to programming or R users who are comfortable running R commands but not familiar with writing functions. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

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