
On Dec 2 Tony Dunsworth wrote: Great for learning a new language
I have never worked with R before, but I work with a lot of data queries and data analysis in my day job. Mr. Cotton’s book is fantastic from the ability to get the foundations and figure out how to write different things in R. His tone is easy going and conversational; so I was able to follow along on something that seemed foreign in relation to what I do. The book is broken down, at the beginning, into various pieces, strings, numbers, etc. I like this approach to it because it gave me the ability to focus on each piece of the puzzle and see how I could access data and gather information from that data Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Nov 20 Dylan Scott wrote: Intro to the R language
With a background as a developer, I found this book very approachable having not touched R before this book. It remained close to the R language itself and did not veer too deep into statistics. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Oct 8 John Cole wrote: A review of "Learning R" by Richard Cotton (O'Reilly Media)
In "Learning R", data scientist and statistical consultant Richie Cotton provides an introduction to the R system for statistical computing organized around a typical workflow for data analysis. I've used R casually for a few years, but as a self-taught user I hoped that "Learning R" would fill-in many of the gaps in my knowledge. The book is written in an easy, conversational tone, and Cotton conveys his deep knowledge of the material in a manner that is supportive rather than condescending. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

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