
On Sep 24 Diego Gonzalez wrote: A great introduction
Devices and consumer technologies such as tablets and smartphones are used by corporations as a quick and affordable way to manage their operations. But entrepreneurs needs are very different from the needs of people. Hence the usefulness of this book. Yakov Fain, Victor Rasputnis, Anatole Tartakovsky and Viktor the book Gamov start properly defining what is an entrepreneur application, they think it is one that allows you to manage the online business of a company. In the following chapters will review different tools to work with Javascript and related technologies like HTML5 CSS3. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Jul 24 John Drews wrote:
This book - like most O'Reilly publications makes great use of code examples and diagrams to help you get involved with the ongoing narrative. It utilizes a real-world project to help you grasp the principles. I felt that the authors were quite honest about the pros and cons of HTML5. It's pretty messy out there right now. Demand for HTML5 is very high now, however. This book will help you dig through the absolute mess of tools, standards and libraries and get you on the right track. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

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Learning Java

Jon Guenther wrote:

In my assessment, this is one of the best and most authoritative editions of Java… Full Review >

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