
On May 19 Ninajean Slone wrote: You need this if you want to learn JavaScript
I like the Head First series of books because they help you to think outside the box. Everyone has his or her own way of thinking and learning, which is good, but you need to learn how you think in order to think effectively, especially when learning to program. If you ‘don’t get it, then you’ll forget it.’ I find this to be very true. When I try to read something that is written in a dry manner I have so much trouble remembering the material, regardless of how much I need to learn the subject. On the other hand, if it’s written in a conversational, engaging style, then I remember it so much easier. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On May 9 David Hayden wrote: Great Beginner Book
If you are new to JavaScript, Head First JavaScript Programming is a fantastic first book. Follow this book with another great book, Head First HTML5 Programming, which is one of my personal favorites on learning JavaScript in the browser. It will take your skills even further. Once you finish those 2 books, dive into a good book on jQuery to round out your knowledge! Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

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Featured Review

JavaScript: The Good Parts

Adam Davis wrote:
JavaScript: The Good Parts. Unearthing the Excellence in JavaScript By Douglas Crockford
"Programming is difficult business," says Douglas Crockford in the opening chapter. "It should never be… Full Review >

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