
On Nov 17 Pasan Wijesinghe wrote: A handbook to teach journalists how to 'upgrade' themselves..
This is a handbook. It is a handbook for journalists who want to be journalists for the rest of their career. Journalists who are not willing to adapt for the new era of data journalism should probably start looking for some other career. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Oct 23 Rob Lambert wrote:
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Rating: StarStarStarStarStar3.0

On Aug 7 Diego Gonzalez wrote: Obra imprescindible para periodistas y lectores
Mycroft Holmes, el hermano mucho más inteligente de Sherlock, no perseguía criminales sino que recopilaba datos de diferentes orígenes, los analizaba y ponía a disposición del gobierno británico. Este libro cuenta como los “Mycrofts” de la actualidad hacen lo mismo pero para sus lectores. Hay dos aspectos interesantes en esta obra. O’Reilly vuelve a intentar la experiencia que ya iniciara con “Every book is a startup”, que los lectores aporten sus experiencias y sugerencias para ediciones posteriores. La segunda es su disponibilidad bajo licencia Creative Commons. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Jul 20 Iain Dillingham wrote:
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Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Jun 24 Chris Allen wrote: The Data Journalism Handbook By Jonathan Gray, Lucy Chambers, Liliana Bounegru
2012 may well be the year of open news, says Alastair Dant, of The Guardian. Well yes. News has been open for some time now, but news and the press . . . Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Jun 20 Shawn Day wrote: Catching An Emerging Trend with an Engaging Handbook
This intriguing handbook explores the rapidly emerging sector of the media engaged around presenting, interpreting and most innovatively developing and providing interactive tools for working with publicly available data. It has a solid coherence around the general theme. It is very comprehensive and current. As with any printed work in emerging fields is the challenge is to keep it current, but I have sense that this one in particular will age well due to its richly diverse authorship and thoughtful reflection. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

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The Manga Guide to Relativity

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Good Read if You Like Manga and Relativity
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