
On Nov 3 Arthur Zubarev wrote: PostgreSQL: Up and Running by Regina Obe, O'Reilly Media Book Review
Like I have already mentioned in my previous blog post databases are lately in the spotlight, left and right. This was the primary reason for me to choose yet another book on databases for review*. I know that NoSQL data stores are more trendy for now, but the traditional RDBMS' would not give its sheer install base out quite easily like that yet to them. The secondary reason was, while I am a full time in SQL Server, I suspected I may be missing something by not getting familiar with what most IT pros may state competition. Indeed, having a backdoor or more correctly a mechanism to allowing custom extensions (called add-ons from PG 9.1) to be baked into the database engine allow taking PostgreSQL to new heights without going through costly upgrades. One of the intersting ones (at least to me) is the key-value store called HStore Just for reference, starting SQL Server 2014 the In-Memory engine is part of the core database. Did I mention the RDMBS' don't give up just yet? The book mentions so many different versions of PostgreSQL so many times at time my head was spinning trying to recall what is used in what version or different. After finished reading the book I started to suspect it would be better to for the author to concentrate on the latest version because the previous builds are so different. Overall, I fail to grasp what was the main objective of this book. The material coverage is sparse or not in depth, of course as a result the book is quite short, and you can always buy another book or solicit various forums or IRC chats. Well, the book has answered my primary and secondary interests, and seems that I am not the biggest fan of the PostgreSQL as a database engine yet. Why? This is probably because I am too spoiled by the SQL Server install and forget way of operating. Me, as a database developer and DBA needing to restart the database after a simple security file modification or setting the memory via SHMMAX or threads for multiple backup restores make me chuckle. However, PostgreSQL has many advantages, I admit, too. What I liked is the ability to backup a single table or have backups restorable to any version of the database engine is a big plus. Not to mention triggers on views, unlogged tables or exclusion constraints. Read the book to know a lot more. When it comes to the book itself, Regina and Leo did a fantastic job, they know the product really well, 5 out of 5 is my mark. *Disclaimer: I received this book for free in exchange for a review as part of the O'Reilly Reader Review Program. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0


On Nov 7 Peter Clark wrote: Book Review: PostgreSQL: Up and Running
Quick summary: PostgreSQL Up and Running, by Regina Obe and Len Hsu, tells you everything you need to know if you want to start playing with the database engine that all the cool kids are using. It assumes that you already know something about SQL, but as the title… Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Sep 21 Kiatikun Luangkesorn wrote: Book Review: PostgreSQL: Up and Running by Regina Obe and Leo Hsu
PostgreSQL: Up and Running by Regina ObeMy rating: 4 of 5 starsCompared to most books that introduce a full featured relational database management system, PostgreSQL: Up and Running is surprisingly short. It achieves this by being focused on its purpose, and doing it well. It is aimed at someone who… Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Aug 13 Grant van Staden wrote: Short, Friendly Introduction to PostgreSQL
It's short and powerful introduction to PostgreSQL's core features and approach. Many useful links to PostgreSQL resources are included. This book was enjoyable to read and perfect for getting me up-to-speed with PostgreSQL. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Aug 4 Andrew Colin Kissa wrote: Book Review: Postgresql up and running By Regina Obe, Leo Hsu
A quick guide to the PostgreSQL Database for users with prior experience with other DBMS. The book sets out to highlight the interesting features in PostgreSQL not present in other DBMS's The book goes over Obtaining PostgreSQL, Basic Administration, Client tools, Data types, Constraints and Indexes, PostgreSQL specific SQL, Functions, Performance tuning and Replication. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Aug 2 Mat Powell wrote: PostgeSQL Up & Running
At a commanding 163 pages, PostgreSQL Up in Running is a quick read for those looking for the basics of administrating your postgres installation (oddly, installing/configuring is not in scope of this book). The book goes over basic configuration, however the chapters i was after were the chapters on functions, performance tuning, and replication. Overall a great little reference for any user/administrator of PostgreSQL. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

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