
On Nov 24 Jason Wadsworth wrote: Good Intro for Experienced Programmers
Clear introduction to the fundamentals you'll need to start programming iOS. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Jul 22 Ricardo Banffy wrote: Programming iOS 5, 2nd Edition, by Matt Neuburg
A thorough tour through iOS development Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Jun 18 David Hayden wrote: Solid Reference Book
Great reference book for when you need more in-depth, fundamental knowledge on topics that are only briefly discussed in other books. I wouldn't recommend it as your first iOS developer book, but more as a companion or reference book as you learn iOS development. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Jun 10 Diego Gonzalez wrote: Introducción ideal para comenzar a programar en IOS 5
El éxito de los productos cuyo nombre comienzan con I hacen que quienes quieran hacer carrera como desarrolladores tengan sí o sí saber a programar para el Iphone/Ipad. En ese sentido este libro es una herramienta imprescindible. Comenzando por los fundamentos de la versión Apple del lenguaje C (OBJETIVE-C), Las herramientas de desarrollo Xcode y las APis de Cocoa Touch. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On May 26 Doron Katz wrote: Detailed and complete coverage
Another iOS book, and a definitive chunky book to go through, but this book isn’t designed for someone who has to read it cover-to-cover. This book is in fact a complete A-to-Z of concepts and topics in iOS, that should cover almost all of what you need. Beyond this book, you can focus on a specific topic. The second iteration of this book also introduces new iOS 5 concepts such as ARC memory management, the concept of adding private declarations within the implementation files and so forth, bringing your reference book up to speed with what’s current. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On May 4 Michal Konrad Owsiak wrote: Updated to reflect recent changes in iOS
This book is simply a new release of “Programming iOS 4″. It contains lots of new information you won’t find in previous release – mostly related to most recent changes in iOS 5. One of these features are story boards. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0


On May 14 Ignacio Ruiz wrote: Programming iOS 5 is a great jumpstarter!!!
This is a great book, easy to read, lots of examples and code snippets to follow: one week after was churning real code! Being a C/C++ programmer, found the section about Objective-C very useful to quickly bridge the gap between languages. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Dec 22 Ronald Tjoelker wrote: Programming iOS 5 by Matt Neuburg
Matt touches on all of the important things you will need to know before you start programming for iOS. I found this book to be very thorough and easy to follow. Any previous programming experience you can bring to the table will definitely help, but due to the unique style of Objective-C you may have to adjust how you think about achieving your programming goals. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Nov 18 Hitoshi Uchida wrote: Informative guide
This book is suitable to understand the functionalities of iOS API comprehensively and shallowly. If readers are not familiar with Objective-C language and how to operate the user interface of xcode, they can create first application steadily. Because there are too much examples, readers can grasp the overview of iOS API. In my impression, this book doesn't have enough images and figures to understand what views are showed in UI as the result and how to operate the xcode UI. If next version is revised to contain more graphical information, it would help readers to understand more effectively. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Aug 14 Joshua Davies wrote: Not for a beginning programmer, but comprehensive if you're experienced
iOS (iPhone OS) is Apple's unified operating system for its handheld/ mobile computing environments including the iPhone, iPad and the iPod touch. Matt Neuburg, the author of the O'Reilly "Programming iOS" series, has established himself as an expert in both the operating system and the large API set that supports it. His experience and authority shows throughout the book — this is clearly somebody who's spent decades in his field and has some real, useful, hands-on experience to share. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

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Michal Konrad Owsiak, 95 Reviews

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Surachart Opun, 61 Reviews

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