
On Feb 3 Ninajean Slone wrote: Very nice! I enjoyed it.
I realize that people may not care if I enjoyed it or not, but it sure makes it easier to read. Also, it is written in what I consider to be a conversational style. There are plenty of code examples for you to play around with. I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in learning to create Android Apps. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0


On Dec 6 Manuel Ricci wrote: Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS and Javascript
I've read this book very fast, because is fluent with the writing. The examples are clear and without error (not as another book with a lot of errors in the examples, for beginners is a serious trouble). If you want read this book and make an app with HTML, CSS and JS you need a basic knowledge if you don't have this primary requisition don't read this book now. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Mar 2 Chetankumar Akarte wrote: Good to start Android Apps development.
Android is one of the most popular mobile operating system. Google's Android operating system is a compelling addition to the mobile computing space. The market is beginning to flood with Android devices of all shapes and sizes; everyday a new android based mobile enter in the market. The popularity of android is due to good connectivity and high speed data transfer among the globe. World is interconnected with internet. Broadband made data transfer quite simple. Android Mobile engages people, involve and interact more with each other using social networking. That's why mobile and mobile computing booming these days. Android Mobile brings a new revolution and also open new door for enthusiastic developer. Best ideas becoming popular over the nights. So, everyone wish to develop his own android app. Developing Android app needs good knowledge of Java and the Android SDK. You need to dig deep to master mobile development. What If you are novice? Don't worry Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by Jonathan Stark, Brian Jepson is there for you. If you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you already have the tools you need to develop Android applications. This book practically guides you to turn your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript based web site into an interactive android application. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Feb 17 David Witherspoon wrote: Great book on buiding mobile web apps and making them native Android apps
The book 'Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript' written by Jonathan Stark is a great way to develop web applications that look and feel like mobile applications and allow you the ability to deploy them to iPhone or Android. If you are tired of developing mobile applications in Java and iOS in order to get your applications on both Android and iPhone, then you might want to consider reading this book and understanding more about how you can write your applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and being able to deploy it to either platform. Jonathan has a great deal of knowledge and experience developing web applications and mobile applications and he provides a step by step explanation of how to develop a web app using jQTouch in order for it to look and feel like a mobile app. In addition, he provided detailed explanation on how to take the web app that you have developed and get it deployed as a native Android application using PhoneGap. There is an entire chapter dedicated to working with the native code with PhoneGap in order to interact with the phone's beep, vibrate, alert, geolocation, and accelerometer. This book provides a great introduction to developing web applications that look like mobile apps and being able to use the same code to deploy a native mobile app. If you are interested in developing your applications this way, then this book is a must read for you. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

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