
On Aug 17 Dave Cottlehuber wrote:
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On Jul 27 Abirami Sivaramakrishnan wrote: jQuery Mobile : My review
jQuery mobile framework enables us to write applications (using HTML,CSS and jQuery frameworks) that would work across mobile platforms be it iOS, Android or any other devices. jQuery mobile is in its alpha 4 release right now.  If you want to learn jQuery Mobile, this book by Jon Reid,… Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Jul 27 Doron Katz wrote: Concise and focused, good as a reference
Okay, today we are going to review JQuery Mobile, by Jon Reid. To put up the disclaimer, I have always been hesitant to touch jQuery or javascript, coming from a Flex background, but having seen a lot of impressive sites and mobile apps built purely out of HTML5/CSS3 and JQuery, I thought I might have to give this book a go. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Jul 18 Jeremy Fonte wrote: Great Intro to jQuery Mobile
In this succinct book, Jon Reid covers the key components of the new jQuery Mobile framework – conveying both the syntax and the applied usage of each aspect of the framework along the way. The book is full of code and pictures to help with the learning process, and I mostly found the extreme focus of the book a nice change for reference books. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Jul 17 Patrick Barel wrote: [Book Review] jQuery Mobile by Jon Reid
If you don’t want to learn the language for a specific mobile device (iOS, Android, PalmOS etc.) and you want to leverage your webbuilding skills to mobile devices then jQuery Mobile is probably your best bet. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Jul 16 Gabriel Svennerberg wrote: Excellent Introduction to the jQuery Mobile Framework
jQuery Mobile is a brief introduction to the Alpha 4 release of the mobile version of the popular JavaScript Framework. It’s written by Jon Reid, senior developer at EffectiveUI, who’s done an excellent job of describing the ins and out of it. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Jul 16 Andrew Shuping wrote: Excellent first look
This jQuery Mobile guide may seem short at a 130 pages, but packs a lot of useful content. The jQuery Mobile package is currently in beta 1 (the book covers alpha 4) and is based upon HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Jon states in the introduction this book works best if you're already have basic familiarity with mobile browsers, the jQuery library, and basic designing for mobile webpages. Jon provides copious screen shots and sections of code so that the reader can easily see how the package works and how to design their own apps based upon the jQuery package. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Jul 9 Jonathan Hume wrote: jQuery Mobile - The future is now ...
Ever since July 2008 and the launch of the Apple App store, the world of mobile internet has been in a constant state of change. Up until this point, Steve Jobs and the rest of the Apple marketing machine had been all about providing the best possible mobile browser, and the best mobile websites. They even had a page on the main Apple website promoting pages that worked the best in the fledgling iPhone OS (now iOS) browser. Following the launch of the App Store, the focus of mobile internet has changed, moving steadily away from in-browser experiences and edging ever closer to a world where apps are king. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Jul 8 Aaron Sumner wrote: A great introduction and reference for mobile web developers
Last August, the cover of Wired magazine famously proclaimed that “the Web is dead” and that native apps have taken over how we interact with the Internet. jQuery Mobile is an excellent tutorial and reference for mobile app developers who aren’t quite ready to write the Web off just yet. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

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jQuery Pocket Reference

Sean Patterson wrote:
Review: jQuery Pocket Reference
Perfect for the beginning jQuery programmer or intermediate that needs a quick reference. Full Review >

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