
On Nov 25 David Witherspoon wrote: Excellent book on SPARQL
I have been working with the Semantic Web for the past two years and I have read many book, forums, and specifications learning about the different component that make up the Semantic Web. I had always know that SPARQL would be similar to SQL due to the fact that they are both query languages, but I did not realize how powerful SPARQL queries could be and all the great functions that are provided in the language until reading Bob DuCharme book Learning SPARQL. It seemed that even with all of the experience that I had gained on creating SPARQL queries by reading web sits, forums, and specifications on SPARQL 1.1, I found so many great techniques and functions that I did not know SPARQL supported. The examples that are provided in the book are excellent and help solidify the query term and/or function that the author is presenting. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Nov 20 Liam Green-Hughes wrote: Book Review: Learning SPARQL
I have been experimenting with SPARQL for some time and was lucky enough to have had some training at work on it, but on several occasions when reading Bob DuCharme's Learning SPARQL I found out something that this very powerful language could do that was new to me. The book provides quite a detailed overview of the capabilities of the language and takes the reader right from their first steps in constructing a query through to using it as a data source for programs. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Aug 4 Shawn Day wrote: Plunging into Linked Data
I really like an instructional volume that dispenses with initial bouts theory of theory for good hands on tooling with a technology. This volume does a superb job of balancing theory with extensive examples and thorough discussion to provide a super grounding in the vocabulary and process of the SPARQL query language. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

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