
On Sep 11 Doron Katz wrote: Easy to follow, 62 pages of bliss
I have just finished reading Just Spring, by Madhusudhan Konda, after taking on some minor roles in certain Java projects. With Spring now the renowned framework when Java is mentioned as an approach to a solution, it is vital that the fundaments of the framework is understood, and having a book that is solely focused on that idea, separating non-essential information and allowing the reader to enjoy the Spring framework in itself, no interference with Hibernate and other concepts, the author does an amicable job. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Aug 10 David Witherspoon wrote: Quick Introduction to Dependency Injection using Spring Framework
"Just Spring" covers the basics of the Spring Framework and applying dependency injection to software application development. In the book Madhusadhan covers Spring Beans, some advanced topics, Spring JMS, and Spring Data in a concise overview to get you up and running quickly using the Spring Framework. Other books are much longer and do go into a bit more detail, but if you are wanting to get introduced to the Spring Framework and apply it to your application development quickly then this is the book for you. Madhusadham is straight to the point on his discussions of the topics covered in the book and he provides example code that he explains in detail in order for you to be able to apply it quickly to your own applications. I would recommend this book to the person wanting to quickly understand how the Spring Framework and dependency injection can be applied to their future projects. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Aug 2 Santosh Shanbhag wrote: Just Spring, no noise
Spring has become a huge universe! In fact, it has grown so much that any book you buy would be intimidating at first. Even well-known authors have difficulty in keeping it simple. They go into details of how to do the same thing in different ways (annotation, autowiring, etc, etc) that at the end the user is flabbergasted. Enter the "Just Spring" book. This book is exactly that, just Spring! Plain and simple. No noise, no dust. In just 5 chapters, I learned a great deal about the fundamentals of Spring. Enough to get me started on enterprise level projects where I can build on my foundation. The power of this book lies in its simplicity. Most books on Spring are around 300-400 pages. This book is 62 pages. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

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