
On Jan 4 Andrew Shuping wrote: Running Lean with a plan
In today’s world of startups, popup business, and new fads in the work place it seems like a lot of folks are missing the basics. Namely that we’re not creating or marketing the right product. It’s great to have a cool new app that tells you the time in multiple languages, but is it worth the money to develop it? And will people want it? I remember in my hometown of about 34,000 a new business opened up that dealt exclusively with selling pool tables. No repairs or anything like that, just selling the tables. Needless to say it went out of business quickly and the owners likely could have gotten a lot from Ash’s book. While he sometimes states the obvious, conducting market research anyone?, he does a great job of explaining how to go about finding out what’s needed and creating a plan to get start or improve your place of work. Ash takes us through his process step by step by explaining how he used it to write this book. From the idea, to the testing, to the final publishing and marketing of the book, he shows us this process can make things work. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0


On Jun 25 Mark McFadden wrote: My Review of Running Lean, 2nd Edition
Originally submitted at O'ReillyIterate from Plan A to a Plan That WorksRunning Lean, 2nd EditionRunning Lean, 2nd Edition ReviewBy m2web from Erlanger, KY on 6/24/20124out of 5Pros: Easy to understand, Concise, Accurate, Helpful examplesBest Uses: Novice, Expert, IntermediateDescribe Yourself: DeveloperThis book is a practical work that enables you to take… Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On May 9 Rob Lambert wrote:
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Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Mar 25 Rob Friesel wrote: Maurya shows how to apply the scientific method to your business model
Maurya writes lucidly about how to take your product/business idea and shape it; about how to organize your team to focus on The Problem and The Solution; about how to reach out to customers and interview them, to help them help you define the problem space; about how to pull out real information from those interviews and test releases, and learn real lessons instead of just confirming how great you think you are. The lessons of Running Lean help you to create a real solution for a real problem, and not just be a clever solution looking for the right problem. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar3.0

On Mar 19 Tushar Jain wrote:
Running Lean is one of the essential books for Lean stratups. Books take you to journey of Lean Startup and focuses on Customer focused approach. Ash takes gives you very prescriptive dose of running a startup while minimizing Risk and maximizing the flexibility. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0


On Jul 8 Jose Betancur wrote: Get ready to experiment
"We are living in an age of entrepreneurship" And Ash Maurya give you the tools to test systematically your idea, give you the right step you need to improve your startup. The Lean Canvas, works very well and suits every kind of industry, you don't have to be in the tech side to get this working, you only had to be constant and apply this. Your are constantly encourage to act, to define your MVP, and go and test it. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Apr 28 Mike Erickson wrote: Book Review–Running Lean by Ash Maurya
I found this book to be very thought provoking. Several years ago I worked as an independent consultant and really enjoyed it. But I always only sold my time. I think most people who do have a entrepreneurial spirit understand that to really succeed you must leverage this and sell… Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Mar 16 Michael Lockwood wrote:
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Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Mar 10 Michal Konrad Owsiak wrote: Interesting, but too shallow
Every startup has it’s good and bad days. Question is, what to do, when you find that your initial idea is not quite as good as you expected it to be. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar3.0

On Mar 3 Ivo Flipse wrote:
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Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

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Ivo Flipse wrote:
Nice short book to get you started with Tornado
The book features several nice examples, like a shopping cart for a bookstore, asynchronously keeping… Full Review >

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