
On May 16 Cody Sand wrote: Excellent Primer for the Budding JavaScript Architect
I began developing in JavaScript just over a year ago. The company I'm working for had announced a brand new product that was to be web-based, and with not a single web developer on our team, I took the initiative to completely immerse myself in web application architecture. I started, like many others, with JavaScript: The Good Parts. After devouring that, it was time to understand how large-scale JavaScript applications might be constructed. It was around that time that I discovered JavaScript Web Applications by Alex MacCaw. The book begins with a primer on the MVC pattern and how it applies to JavaScript, and takes the reader through a pretty easy read on other important topics like events, models, state, client-side templating, dependency management, and other very relevant topics. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Mar 27 Mark Lai wrote:
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Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Mar 7 Mark McFadden wrote: Review of JavaScript Web Applications by Alex MacCaw
Title: JavaScript Web ApplicationsAuthor: Alex MacCawISBN:144930351XISBN-13978-1449303518 Pros: Extensive, Well-written, Several examplesAudience: Advanced and/or Intermediate DevelopersIntroductionI started this book thinking that it would provide a basic overview of the use of JavaScript within web application development. Boy was I wrong! This text is really a manual on creating a full featured… Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Dec 28 Jeroen Oliemans wrote:
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Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Oct 13 Gabriel Svennerberg wrote: JavaScript Web Applications by Alex MacCaw
JavaScript Web Applications is not a book for beginners. In fact, you need to have been doing a fair share of JavaScript development to benefit from it. But if you do, It’s indispensable! Because this is finally a book that’s showing how to structure your application in a way that keeps you sane as the application grows. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Sep 27 Kyle Taborski wrote: JavaScript Web Applications By Alex MacCaw
Building rich JavaScript applications that bring the desktop experience to the Web is now possible, thanks to powerful JavaScript engines and the CSS3 and HTML5 specifications. The key is moving state to the client side, but that's no simple task. This book takes you through… Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Sep 19 Esteban Manchado Velázquez wrote: Book review: Javascript Web Applications
This is my review of “Javascript Web Applications” by Alex MacCaw, part of the O’Reilly Blogger Review Program (in a nutshell: you can choose an ebook from a given selection, and you get it for free if you make a review and post it in any consumer site). It’s a… Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Sep 11 Santosh Shanbhag wrote: Enjoyable book
Being a Java Swing developer for many years, I was never a fan of JavaScript. There were no mature tools and frameworks a few years ago. Straight DOM programming was just error-prone and difficult to debug. Over the last few years, JavaScript has come back with a big bang, thanks to a lot of companies, among them, Google. This book is for people, like me, who gave up on JavaScript years ago because of a poor model but need to know new frameworks that help in writing concise, readable code, and also help design scalable and robust architecture, not to mention, using JavaScript with a large team that could be geographically spread out. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

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