
On Sep 26 Jessica Blankenship wrote: Amazing for learning HTML5
I have been designing my own blog graphics, backgrounds, and buttons for a long time now. I taught myself with HTML books and reading websites based on website design. It’s not hard if you have the right books to teach you what you’re supposed to be learning. O’Reilly Media produces many of the books that have helped me along the way. This book is no different. HTML changes up so fast, just like the internet that it’s best to stay on top of stuff. Something you design today could not be relevant in the next month. HTML is always updating, but the basics almost always stay the same. If you want to learn how to design websites, graphics, or anything that will be places on the internet, you’ll need to learn HTML design. It’s the basic of all website design. I started out with Head First HTML from O’Reilly Media (GREAT read by the way). Same as this book, it is a great place to start for those wanting to learn HTML5 without all the complications. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Jun 7 Marc 137 wrote: Really a great HTML5 jump start
I chose this book on HTML5 because I already knew the benefits of CSS Jump Start. And I was not wrong in choosing. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On May 1 Ninajean Slone wrote: You need this book...(IMO)
Think about this scenario: You just started class to learn how to design a website, and although they’ll be teaching you in design mode, they want you to learn how to hard code in HTML. The textbook is for HTML 5 and you’ve never worked with HTML before. What will you do then? You can always look on the web and find more about HTML, or even XHTML. Perhaps your teacher doesn’t want you to learn an earlier version of HTML before you learn HTML 5. When it comes to technology and the internet, all phases of it, you will find that things change at a nearly unprecedented rate. I know that some of the HTML I’ve learned in the past is obsolete and has to be taken off the shelf. Meaning I had to unlearn a few tags. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Apr 8 Marc-Anthony Taylor wrote: A nice start
I am terrible at design and have no eye whatsoever for aesthetic. I am barely allowed to dress my children. This is, at least in part, why I have always been wary of html.... That's why I thought it might not be a bad idea to review 'Jump Start HTML5' . Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

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