
On Jul 1 Doron Katz wrote: Sensible and easy to read.
The book goes through each chapter, building on how to convey your message or story in a sensible organised manner, which was especially focused on in chapter four - Planning your first five slides, which aids in constructing your most important section of information in. The book details other useful tips, such as what colours to use, what background to use, when and where to place graphics/icons. I have certainly been of the belief that presenting is an art, as you know, and not being one to want to read the queue cards religiously, I aspire to be more like the Steve Jobs of presenting, going by what is in your head, being minimalist with the presentation to avoid distracting the audience. This book highlights a lot of the implicit logic in doing so, but structuring an essay into a presentation, and the presentation into something that isn’t boring or redundant, is the lesson you will take from reading this book. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Jun 8 Shawn Day wrote: Making Your (Power)Point More Effectively
This book is a focussed and well con­sidered present­a­tion in itself. It weaves the psy­cho­lo­gical factors that impact on the effect­ive­ness of com­mu­nic­a­tion by con­sid­er­ing the key mes­sage and the appar­atus that will sup­port optimal uptake by your audi­ence. In its 3rd edi­tion, Atkinson’s book is enga­ging without being over­whelm­ing and walks the a reader through a feel sup­por­ted approach that lends itself to imme­di­ate application. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On May 28 David Briddock wrote: create story-based presentations
Ever witnessed a slide presentation without bullet points? No? I can't remember one either. Yet, all too often this de facto standard of presentation acts as an aide-memoire for the presenter, rather than a compelling story for the audience. The aim of Cliff Atkinson's book is to banish bullet points and text-dominated slides. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0


On Feb 27 Steve Treble wrote: Beyond Bullet Points
Everyone who has to present information in PowerPoint should read this book before they use PowerPoint. Having used PowerPoint for almost 20 years I found that Beyond Bullet Points reminded me of things I am already doing and gave me … Continue reading → Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Sep 5 Raghuram Bharathan wrote: Become another Steve Jobs
We may not be Steve Jobs, but we can certainly learn how to make effective presentations thanks to this book. Using Microsoft Powerpoint as the tool, the author shows how a well-researched and planned presentation can be put into the tool and effective presented. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

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Doron Katz, 57 Reviews

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Environmental Monitoring with Arduino

Mark Colan wrote:
Concise, sophisticated, yet a good starting point for newbies
This is a sophisticated and intelligent book describing interesting projects in a way that even… Full Review >

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