
On Oct 19 Aaron Sumner wrote: Comprehensive overview of Javacript
The 2012 Fluent Conference is a massive, 55-hour video compilation from O’Reilly. Offerings are vast and varied. Three days’ worth of talks are included, ranging from 20-minute big picture talks geared more toward managers to more lengthy sessions on the nitty-gritty of software and library development. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Aug 28 Juri Strumpflohner wrote:
Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Aug 4 Jason Irwin wrote: Excellent Product
So, let’s address the cost. $400 is expensive, relative to the cost of purchasing books or other materials. But it is inexpensive relative to the cost of going to such a conference (I believe fluentconf ran at about ~$1200), let alone the necessary travel and accommodation costs. You also get to see all conference tracks – choosing one talk over another is the bane of conference goers everywhere – which makes it even more worthwhile. If you’re in the market for JavaScript material and can afford this bundle, buy it – you won’t regret it. I can’t recommend it highly enough! Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Jul 19 Santosh Shanbhag wrote: Second chance if you missed the conference
I think this is the first time that O'Reilly has held a JavaScript & Beyond conference totally focused on JavaScript based technologies. The video compilation is an excellent collection of presentations from the stalwarts who have defined and shaped the JavaScript industry. If you can make time for 54 hours or even half of that, you would come out technically stronger and make an impressive impact at your workplace. I was amazed at some of the presenters' in-depth knowledge and command of the technology while appreciating the simplicity in presenting the concepts. I have watched about half of this compilation and I am going to watch the other half including keynotes. I have already started making an impact at work with the knowledge gained from these videos. I feel more empowered to talk about concepts at work since they are now clear. If you missed attending the conference in person, this is the next best thing and there is no doubt about it. It's totally worth the money even if you watch half of the videos. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

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Macintosh Terminal Pocket Guide

David Greenbaum wrote:
Unix for the perplexed
This small guide gives Mac users a very basic introduction to Unix commands. This book… Full Review >

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