Next Economy

We’re charting a course from the tech-driven economy of today to the “next” economy that strikes a better balance between people and automation.

Will Planned Obsolescence Kill Silicon Valley?

From Solid Conference 2015: In Detroit’s heyday, automotive manufacturers built generations of vehicles with intentionally limited lifespans to encourage new vehicle purchases on a regular basis. In today’s world of connected hardware, leading vendors like Apple are pursuing similar strategies based on rapid obsolescence.

By People, For People

The failure of was a textbook DevOps (or rather, lack of DevOps) case study. But it’s part of a wider pattern that reminds us that people should be at the heart of everything we build. In fact, getting the “people” part right is the key both to DevOps and great user experience design.

How I failed

A candid post about some of the things that kept me, my employees, and our company from achieving our full potential.

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