Effective mechanisms for searching the space of machine learning algorithms
The O’Reilly Data Show Podcast: Kenneth Stanley on neuroevolution and other principled ways of exploring the world without an objective.
Few technologies have the potential to change the nature of work and how we live as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).
The O’Reilly Data Show Podcast: Kenneth Stanley on neuroevolution and other principled ways of exploring the world without an objective.
Machine learning opens the door for the use of training rather than programming in game development.
How organizations can create more fluid interactions between humans and machines.
The O’Reilly Data Show Podcast: Robert Nishihara and Philipp Moritz on a new framework for reinforcement learning and AI applications.
A look ahead at the tools and methods for learning from sparse feedback.
The O’Reilly Data Show Podcast: Soumith Chintala on building a worthy successor to Torch and on deep learning within Facebook.
How to build a class of RL agents using a TensorFlow notebook.
The O’Reilly Data Show Podcast: Evangelos Simoudis on next-generation mobility services.
The quest to evolve neural networks through evolutionary algorithms.
A demonstration of basic reinforcement learning problems.
The O’Reilly Data Show Podcast: Pinterest data scientist Grace Huang on lessons learned in the course of machine learning product launches.
Doug Eck discusses Magenta, a Google Brain project aimed at developing new machine learning models for art and sound creation.
Anca Dragan introduces a mathematical formulation that accounts for cars responding to people and people responding to cars.
Tuomas Sandholm explains how domain-independent algorithms are being applied to a variety of imperfect-information games, like poker.
The workflow of the AI researcher has been quite different from the workflow of the software developer. Peter Norvig explores how the two can come together.
The O’Reilly Data Show Podcast: Naveen Rao on emerging hardware and software infrastructure for AI.
The AI ecosystem just might be resilient enough to live up to the hype.
Watch highlights covering artificial intelligence, machine learning, applied deep learning, and more. From the O'Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference in New York 2017.
Richard Socher explains how Salesforce is doing the heavy lifting to deliver scalable AI to customers.
Suchi Saria discusses the medical applications of artificial intelligence.
David Ferrucci offers an overview of Elemental Cognition, a company focused on creating AI systems that autonomously learn from human language and interaction.
Josh Tenenbaum looks at the intersection of computing and thought.
An AI-first strategy will only work if it puts the user first.
The O’Reilly Data Show Podcast: Michael Freedman on TimescaleDB and scaling SQL for time-series.