Four short links: 27 June 2019
Security Mnemonics, Evidence Might Work, Misinformation Inoculation, and Spoofing Presidential Alerts
Security Mnemonics, Evidence Might Work, Misinformation Inoculation, and Spoofing Presidential Alerts
Roger Magoulas explains how O’Reilly’s Radar methodology identifies emerging tech trends businesses need to know.
To successfully integrate AI and machine learning technologies, companies need to take a more holistic approach toward training their workforce.
Ethics and OKRs, Rewriting Binaries, Diversity of Implementation, and Uber's Metrics Systems
Analog Deep Learning, Low-Trust Internet, Media Literacy, and Psych Experiments
Wacky Timestamps, Computers and Spies, Surveillance Capitalism, and Twitter Adventures
Private Computation, Robot Framework, 3D Objects, and Self-Supervised Learning
Model Governance, Content Moderators, Interactive Fiction, and End-User Probabilistic Programming
Voice2Face, DIY Minivac, Cloud Metrics, and Envoy for Mobile
A look at the landscape of tools for building and deploying robust, production-ready machine learning models.
Machine learning solutions for data integration, cleaning, and data generation are beginning to emerge.
JavaScript Spreadsheets, Pessimism, Privacy Policies, and AI Ethics
New technologies and changing user expectations demands a new vision for delivering software, says Adam Zimman.
Hadley Stern on how blockchain technology will affect you and your business.
Marie Wieck describes how blockchain can transform business processes and value chains.
Artificial intelligence is harder than we think--we have a long way to go to reach anything like general AI.
Tim O’Reilly explains how we can “gradually, then suddenly” create a better world.
Jeff Wong on choosing to embrace change rather than feeding the dialogue of fear.