Generative AI in the Real World: Adopting AI in the Enterprise with Timothy Persons

Learning, Sharing, and Doing

By Ben Lorica and Timothy Persons
July 25, 2024

Generative AI in the Real World: Adopting AI in the Enterprise with Timothy Persons
Generative AI in the Real World

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If you want to fine-tune your prompting skills, make sure to attend O’Reilly’s Prompt to Product Showdown virtual event, led by Lucas Soares, on August 15 from 9AM to noon PDT. You’ll see how five experts used carefully crafted prompts to build minimum viable products with generative AI.

Timothy Persons of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) talks with Ben Lorica about adoption of AI in the enterprise. They discuss the challenges enterprises experience and what’s needed for success, along with the importance of education for everyone in the organization and the need to create safe environments where people can experiment.

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Check out other episodes of this podcast or the full-length version on the O’Reilly learning platform.

About the Generative AI in the Real World podcast: In 2023, ChatGPT put AI on everyone’s agenda. In 2024, the challenge will be turning those agendas into reality. In Generative AI in the Real World, Ben Lorica interviews leaders who are building with AI. Learn from their experience to help put AI to work in your enterprise.


  • 0:00: Introduction.
  • 0:59: What are some of the key challenges that enterprises face with generative AI when they go from experimentation to deployment?
  • 1:16: It’s all about trust and culture.
  • 2:42: Successful AI development requires discipline based on well-defined problem statements rather than just doing something clever.
  • 3:16: AI development needs a robust data strategy along with data governance. Once you focus on quality data and abide by governance, you have the foundation for a good future.
  • 5:12: Companies need to invest in education of the workforce. Upskilling is not just for expertise. It also requires interdisciplinarity.
  • 6:50: People underestimate the importance of creating a good user experience. You can gather good feedback. Design thinking is needed, along with focusing on end-user experience and working back from that.
  • 8:12: What have some leading companies done to prepare their workforces?
  • 8:29: PwC made a major investment in MyAI, which was focused on the ability to get AI into the hands of users, down to entry-level interns. It was an intentional L&D process that was focused on AI.

Post topics: AI & ML, Artificial Intelligence, Generative AI in the Real World podcast
Post tags: Commentary

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