Intelligent agents, augmented reality, and the future of productivity

Tim O'Reilly sits down with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella for a frank discussion about his vision for Microsoft and how that vision is playing out.

August 25, 2016
Photograph of mural "The Bauxite Mines" (1942) by Julius Woeltz, located in the Saline County Courthouse in Benton, Arkansas; originally installed in the U.S. Post Office in Benton, Arkansas. Photograph of mural "The Bauxite Mines" (1942) by Julius Woeltz, located in the Saline County Courthouse in Benton, Arkansas; originally installed in the U.S. Post Office in Benton, Arkansas. (source: Library of Congress on Wikimedia Commons)

“I definitely come from the point of view that it’s augmentation—this is the race with the machine. To me, AI is going to happen; it’s technology that’s inevitable. The question is, how do we design in the human-in-the-loop so that the human gets more leverage.”—Satya Nedella, Microsoft CEO

This conversation took place at Next:Economy 2015.

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The interview touches on many of the topics we’ll tackle at this year’s Next:Economy Summit. Join us on October 10–11, 2016, as we lay the groundwork for the society we want to build.

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