Four short links: June 19, 2020

Security Scanner, Quoteback, Online Events, and Proxy Scrapers

By Nat Torkington
June 19, 2020
Four Short Links

  1. Tsunamia general purpose network security scanner with an extensible plugin system for detecting high severity vulnerabilities with high confidence. From Google.
  2. Quotebackslike a quote retweet, but for any piece of content on the web. They work on any webpage, and gracefully fall back to a standard blockquote. (via Matt Webb)
  3. Conferences in the Age of Zoom — (Matt Webb) Can virtual conferences be designed for multi-tasking? (See also Marie Foulston’s spreadsheet party which I found via Matt’s post.
  4. Scrapoxyhides your webscraper behind a cloud. It starts a pool of proxies to relay your requests. Now, you can crawl without thinking about blacklisting!

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