Four short links: 7 February 2020

API Security, Automated Video Moderation is Hard, Mining Massive Data Sets, and Tech Worker Compensation

By Nat Torkington
February 7, 2020
Four Short Links
  1. 31 Days of API Security TipsMobile Certificate Pinning? Before you start reverse engineering and patching the client app, check for both iOS and Android clients, and older versions of them. There’s a decent chance that the pinning isn’t enabled in one of them. Save time.
  2. Pornhub Doesn’t Care (Vice) — Pornhub’s automated detection of banned content is severely flawed, as minor edits are sufficient to present old content as new. This is closely related to the trouble that Facebook and YouTube had identifying edited versions of the Christchurch shooter’s video.
  3. Learn faster. Dig deeper. See farther.

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  4. CS246: Mining Massive Data Sets — Stanford class, with slides and suggested readings.
  5. Tech Workers’ CompensationTech favors the young. For people with more than 15 years of experience, there’s practically no correlation between years of experience and income (corr < 0). After 15 years of experience, you either retire, switch to management, or change career. (via hardmaru on Twitter)
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