Four short links: 6 October 2020

Algorithmic Collusion, Hedgemony, Git Exercises, and Android in a Box

By Nat Torkington
October 6, 2020
Four Short Links
  1. Algorithms Can Collude To analyze the possible consequences, we study experimentally the behavior of algorithms powered by Artificial Intelligence (Q-learning) in a workhorse oligopoly model of repeated price competition. We find that the algorithms consistently learn to charge supracompetitive prices, without communicating with one another. The high prices are sustained by collusive strategies with a finite phase of punishment followed by a gradual return to cooperation. This finding is robust to asymmetries in cost or demand, changes in the number of players, and various forms of uncertainty. (via Marginal Revolution)
  2. Hedgemony — Regular readers know I am fond of instructive games. RAND researchers developed Hedgemony, a wargame designed to teach U.S. defense professionals how different strategies could affect key planning factors in the trade space at the intersection of force development, force management, force posture, and force employment. The game presents players, representing the United States and its key strategic partners and competitors, with a global situation, competing national incentives, constraints, and objectives; a set of military forces with defined capacities and capabilities; and a pool of periodically renewable resources. The players are asked to outline their strategies and are then challenged to make difficult choices by managing the allocation of resources and forces in alignment with their strategies to accomplish their objectives within resource and time constraints.
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  4. Git Exercises — A repo that is its own set of git exercises.
  5. Android in a BoxRun Android applications on any GNU/Linux operating system.
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