Four short links: 4 July 2019

Debugging AI, Serverless Foundations, YouTube Bans, and Pathological UI

By Nat Torkington
July 4, 2019
Four Short Links
  1. tensorwatch — open source Microsoft, a debugging and visualization tool designed for data science, deep learning and reinforcement learning.
  2. Formal Foundations of Serverless Computingthe serverless computing abstraction exposes several low-level operational details that make it hard for programmers to write and reason about their code. This paper sheds light on this problem.
  3. Learn faster. Dig deeper. See farther.

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  4. YouTube Bans Videos Showing Hacking and Phishing (Kody) — We made a video about launching fireworks over Wi-Fi for the 4th of July only to find out @YouTube gave us a strike because we teach about hacking, so we can’t upload it. YouTube now bans: “Instructional hacking and phishing: Showing users how to bypass secure computer systems”.
  5. User Inyerfacean exercise in frustration.
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