Four short links: 30 August 2018

Financial Modeling, Deductive Database, Good Memes, and Product Management

By Nat Torkington
August 30, 2018
  1. Financial Modeling for Startups: An IntroductionIn this guide, we’ll walk through building a model for an example company.
  2. Datalog Educational Systema deductive database system with Datalog, SQL, Relational Algebra (RA), Tuple Relational Calculus (TRC), and Domain Relational Calculus (DRC) as query languages.
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  4. Memes as Force for Goodonline jokes can act as guides for a society or group’s larger moral consciousness.
  5. Product Management Mental Models — plenty that product managers will recognise as hard-won lessons, e.g., 13. Version two is a lie. When building a product, don’t bank on a second version ever shipping. Make sure the first version is a complete product because it may be out there forever.
Post topics: Four Short Links