Four short links: 22 January 2019

Data Science with Puzzles, Formal Methods, Sketching from Photos, and Teaching Machines

By Nat Torkington
January 22, 2019
  1. Teaching Data Science with Puzzles (Irene Steves) — genius! The repo has the puzzles in an R project.
  2. Why Don’t People Use Formal Methods? — a really good introduction to the field and current challenges. And entertainingly written: Proofs are hard. Obnoxiously hard. “Quit programming and join the circus” hard. Surprisingly, formal code proofs are often more rigorous than the proofs most mathematicians write! Mathematics is a very creative activity with a definite answer that’s only valid if you show your work. Creativity, formalism, and computers are a bad combination.
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  4. Photo Sketching: Inferring Contour Drawings from Images — the examples in the paper are impressive.
  5. History of Teaching Machines (Audrey Watters) — a bit of context for the ZOMG APPS WILL SAVE EDUCATION mania.
Post topics: Four Short Links