Four short links: 21 March 2018
Incident Response, Google VPN, Deep Learning, and Neural Network Quine
- 10 Steps to Develop an Incident Response Plan You’ll ACTUALLY Use (Salesforce) — high-level process, but solid.
- Outline — self-hosted VPN from Google.
- nGraph — open source C++ implementation of a framework-neutral deep neural network (DNN) model compiler that can target a variety of devices. Intel’s software entry into the neural network space. Why Intel? Users can run these frameworks on several devices: Intel Architecture, GPU, and Intel Nervana Neural Network Processor (NNP).
- Neural Network Quine — clever! I have a Python quine scarf, but I’m not sure I’m going to enjoy this so much. Here we describe how to build and train self-replicating neural networks. The network replicates itself by learning to output its own weights.