Four short links: 2 October 2018

Apple MDM, Source Explorer, Verification-Aware Programming, and Superstar Economics

By Nat Torkington
October 2, 2018
  1. MicroMDM — open source mobile device management system (IT department lingo for “rootkit”) for Apple devices.
  2. Sourcegraph Open SourcedCode search and intelligence, self-hosted and scalable.
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  4. Dafnya verification-aware programming language. Verification (proving software correct) is a critical research area for the future of software, imho.
  5. The Economics of SuperstarsThe key difference between this technology and public goods is that property rights are legally assigned to the seller: there are no issues of free riding due to nonexclusion; customers are excluded if they are unwilling to pay the appropriate admission fee. The implied scale economy of joint consumption allows relatively few sellers to service the entire market. And fewer are needed to serve it the more capable they are. When the joint consumption technology and imperfect substitution features of preferences are combined, the possibility for talented persons to command both very large markets and very large incomes is apparent. (via Hacker News)
Post topics: Four Short Links