Four short links: 16 December 2019

Screen Time and Depression, Crowdsourcing Bad Ideas, Parallel Programming, and Rust Idioms

By Nat Torkington
December 16, 2019
Four Short Links
  1. Association of Screen Time and Depression in AdolescenceTime-varying associations between social media, television, and depression were found, which appeared to be more explained by upward social comparison and reinforcing spirals hypotheses than by the displacement hypothesis. Both screen time modes should be taken into account when developing preventive measures and when advising parents. Idea is that what do you on the screen matters more than the hours you spend doing it.
  2. Why Crowdsourcing Often Leads to Bad Ideas (HBR) — really good summary of research into crowdsourcing. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations were associated with higher-quality solutions, whereas learning and prosocial motivations were negatively related to solution quality. Social motivation was not a significant predictor of the quality of ideas.
  3. Learn faster. Dig deeper. See farther.

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  4. Regenta language for implicit dataflow parallelism. Regent discovers dataflow parallelism in sequential code by computing a dependence graph over tasks. […] Tasks execute as soon as all dependencies are satisfied, and can be distributed automatically over a cluster of (possibly heterogeneous) machines.
  5. Idiomatic RustA peer-reviewed collection of articles/talks/repos that teach concise, idiomatic Rust. Idioms matter in programming languages, and I’m always surprised by how often people don’t teach them.
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