Four short links: 15 November 2018
Punish Online Criminals, Fake Fingerprints, Implementing Identity, and Project Visbug
- USA Needs to Pursue Malicious Cyber Actors — a report that argues that the United States currently lacks a comprehensive overarching strategic approach to identify, stop, and punish cyberattackers. (1) There is a burgeoning cybercrime wave. (2) There is a stunning cyber enforcement gap. (3) There is no comprehensive U.S. cyber enforcement strategy aimed at the human attacker. This is definitely a golden age of online crime.
- DeepMasterPrints: Generating MasterPrints for Dictionary Attacks via Latent Variable Evolution — MasterPrints are real or synthetic fingerprints that can fortuitously match with a large number of fingerprints, thereby undermining the security afforded by fingerprint systems. Previous work by Roy, et al., generated synthetic MasterPrints at the feature level. In this work, we generate complete image-level MasterPrints known as DeepMasterPrints, whose attack accuracy is found to be much superior than that of previous methods. (via Mikko Hypponen)
- The Tripartite Identity Pattern (Randy Farmer) — The three components of user identity are: the account identifier, the login identifier, and the public identifier.
- Project VisBug — edit/tweak existing webpages.