Four short links: 14 November 2017

AI Microscope, Android Geriatrics, Doxing Research, and Anti-Goals

By Nat Torkington
November 14, 2017
  1. AI-Powered Microscope Counts Malaria Parasites in Blood Samples (IEEE Spectrum) — The EasyScan GO microscope under development would combine bright-field microscope technology with a laptop computer running deep learning software that can automatically identify parasites that cause malaria. Human lab workers would mostly focus on preparing the slides of blood samples to view under the microscope and verifying the results. Currently 20m/slide (same as a human), but they want to cut it to 10m/slide.
  2. A Billion Outdated Android Devices in Use — never ask why security researchers drink more than the rest of society.
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  4. Datasette (Simon Willison) — instantly create and publish an API for your SQLite databases.
  5. Fifteen Minutes of Unwanted Fame: Detecting and Characterizing DoxingThis work analyzes over 1.7 million text files posted to,, and, sites frequently used to share doxes online, over a combined period of approximately 13 weeks. Notable findings in this work include that approximately 0.3% of shared files are doxes, that online social networking accounts mentioned in these dox files are more likely to close than typical accounts, that justice and revenge are the most often cited motivations for doxing, and that dox files target males more frequently than females.
  6. The Power of Anti-Goals (Andrew Wilkinson) — instead of exhausting aspirations, focus on avoiding the things that deplete your life. (via Daniel Bachhuber)
Post topics: Four Short Links