Four short links: 11 Aug 2020
Immutable Database, Smart Mask, CyberCode Game, and Python Security Auditing
- ImmuDB — lightweight, high-speed immutable database for systems and applications. Open Source and easy to integrate into any existing application. Latest version provides multitenancy.
- Smart Mask — (CNN) Japanese startup Donut Robotics […] created a smart mask — a high-tech upgrade to standard face coverings, designed to make communication and social distancing easier. In conjunction with an app, the C-Face Smart mask can transcribe dictation, amplify the wearer’s voice, and translate speech into eight different languages. Masks are the latest wearables.
- CyberCode Online — a Cyber Punk inspired, Text Based MMORPG Browser Game where gameplay interfaces are ‘Stealthily’ mimicking the VSCode interface. VSCode has such huge mindshare, people are copying its interface for games.
- pysa — Facebook’s static analysis tool for finding security problems in Python code. It’ll find data flow problems: Pysa performs iterative rounds of analysis to build summaries to determine which functions return data from a source and which functions have parameters that eventually reach a sink. If Pysa finds that a source eventually connects to a sink, it reports an issue. SQL injections are where data from a web form eventually makes it to a SQL request.