Four short links: 10 July 2019

Optimisations and Security, 512 Byte Pacman, Cell Security, and Meme AI

By Nat Torkington
July 10, 2019
Four Short Links
  1. Security Implications Of Compiler Optimizations On Cryptography — A ReviewThis paper is a literature review of (1) the security complications caused by compiler optimizations, (2) approaches used by developers to mitigate optimization problems, and (3) recent academic efforts towards enabling security engineers to communicate implicit security requirements to the compiler. In addition, we present a short study of six cryptographic libraries and how they approach the issue of ensuring security requirements. With this paper, we highlight the need for software developers and compiler designers to work together in order to design efficient systems for writing secure software.
  2. Pillman — Pac-Man in 512 bytes, small enough to fit on a boot sector. Impressive feat, and nicely documented.
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  4. Gotta Catch ‘Em All: Understanding How IMSI-Catchers Exploit Cell Networks (EFF) — with this post we hope to make accessible the technical inner workings of CSSs [Cell Site Simulators, the IMSI catchers used by law enforcement and others], or rather, the details of the kind of attacks they might rely on. For example, what are the different kinds of location tracking attacks and how do they actually work? Another example: it’s also widely believed that CSSs are capable of communication interception, but what are the known limits around cell network communication interception and how does that actually work? (via BoingBoing)
  5. MemelearningIn this post we’ll share how we used TensorFlow’s object detection API to build a custom image annotation service for eyeson. Below you can seen an example where Philipp is making the “thinking” ? pose during a meeting which automatically triggers a GIF reaction. I don’t think automatically triggering is awesome, but certainly having them queued up for you to use would be good.
Post topics: Four Short Links