Yan Cui

My adventure with Elm - the functional reactive programming language

Date: This event took place live on October 05 2015

Presented by: Yan Cui

Duration: Approximately 60 minutes.

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Reactive Extensions (Rx) has brought reactive programming to the mainstream in recent years with successful adoption in languages such as C#, Java and JavaScript. But have you ever wondered what Rx will look like as a language?

Elm is a new programming language based on the idea of Functional Reactive Programming (FRP). Elm lets you create highly interactive web applications without all the messy callbacks tangling around shared states.

In this webcast Yan Cui will give a:

  • Gentle introduction to Elm
  • Share his experience learning Elm
  • Recreating Missile Command in Elm with less than 250 LOC
  • Have a handle on the Functional Reactive Programming paradigm
  • Basic understanding of the Elm language

Yan will be speaking at O'Reilly's OSCON conference in Amsterdam October 27, 2015. Learn more here

About Yan Cui

Yan works as a server side developer at Gamesys where he develops scalable backend services for Gamesys's social games on mobile and Facebook. He's a co-author of "F# Deep Dives" by Manning and a regular speaker on topics such as Aspect-Oriented Programming, F# and NoSQL. Twitter: @theburningmonk He also keeps an active blog at https://theburningmonk.com

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