Jon Cowie

Michelin Starred Cooking with Chef at Etsy

Date: This event took place live on May 14 2013

Presented by: Jon Cowie

Duration: Approximately 60 minutes.

Cost: Free

Questions? Please send email to


Part 1:

Part 2:

This webcast talk is designed for intermediate Chef users, who are comfortable with the building blocks of Chef such as roles, cookbooks, environments et al, and aims to equip them with ideas, best practices and thinking patterns to help them get more out of Chef, and build a dependable and resilient Chef infrastructure. We will talk about some techniques and approaches for making Chef less intimidating and easier to learn for both intermediate and advanced users. We'll look at getting under the hood and figuring out the nuts and bolts of Chef through both a critical approach and experimentation and also demonstrate some best practices we've identified at Etsy and how we've made Chef a comfortable, essential part of our Engineering team's workflow.

About Jon Cowie

Jon is a Web Operations Engineer at Etsy, having done the rounds as Syadmin at several London tech startups. He likes Chef. A lot.

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