Eric Miraglia

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Eric Miraglia has been authoring social web applications since 1995, when he began developing interactive writing spaces for universities; his Speakeasy Studio & Café application was used by more than 100 universities between 1997 and 2004. Since 2003, Eric has been a part of Yahoo's web development community. In 2005, he joined the newly-formed YUI library engineering team along with other influencers from throughout Yahoo. In a few short years, YUI has come to underpin the Yahoo family of properties, including among many others Yahoo's front page, Yahoo Mail, My Yahoo, and Yahoo Finance. YUI was released under the liberal BSD license in 2006; YUI's worldwide developer community now numbers in the tens of thousands, and the library is widely used in the world beyond Yahoo. In addition to his engineering work, Eric has taught writing at Stanford and Washington State Universities.