Rebecca Bace

Becky Bace is an internationally recognized expert in network security and intrusion detection. She is Chief Strategist for the Center for Forensics, Information Technology and Security (CFITS) at the University of South Alabama, and President/CEO of Infidel, Inc. She has been honored as one of the most influential women in IT security on numerous occasions over the last decade (most recently as one of the "Five Most Influential Women in Security" by SC Magazine in 2014.) Before joining the University of South Alabama, Bace served as Technical VP of the Cyber Security Practice for In-Q-Tel, the investment arm of the U.S. Intelligence Community, Venture Consultant for Trident Capital, where she served as resident cyber security technologist, and as a research program director and senior engineer for the National Security Agency. As a venture capitalist, she provided expert advice to a generation of security startups, including Qualys, Sygate, Tablus, iRobot, Arxan, HyTrust, Airtight, Neohapsis, and Thor Technologies. She continues to advise a number of startups in modern IT, and is acknowledged as an expert in technology transfer to practice for system security and risk management solutions. Becky also works with a number of organizations dedicated to increasing the participation of women and minorities in cyber security related professions. Bace has written two textbooks, contributed chapters to five others (including the last three editions of the practice handbook for the Information security profession) as well as a NIST special publication on Intrusion Detection and Response.


A vision for future cybersecurity

November 1, 2016

Rebecca Bace explains what we need to do to consolidate our efforts in cybersecurity so that we can instigate a new generation of techniques and applications.
