Patrick Lucey

Patrick is currently the VP of Artificial Intelligence at STATS, where his goal is to maximize the value of the 35+ years worth of sports data they have. Previously, Patrick was at Disney Research for 5 years, where he conducted research into automatic sports broadcasting using large amounts of spatiotemporal tracking data. Previous to that, Patrick was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University/Department of Psychology at University of Pittsburgh conducting research on automatic facial expression recognition. He received his BEng(EE) from USQ and my PhD from QUT, Australia in 2003 and 2008 respectively. he was a co-author of the best paper at the 2016 MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference and in 2017 & 2018 was co-author of best-paper runner-up at the same conference. Additionally, Patrick has won best paper awards at INTERSPEECH (2007) and WACV (2014) international conferences. His main research interests are in artificial intelligence and interactive machine learning in sporting domains


Interactive sports analytics

September 25, 2019

Patrick Lucey explains methods to find play similarity using multi-agent trajectory data, as well as predicting fine-grain plays.