Mike Lee Williams

Mike Lee Williams

Mike Lee Williams does applied research into computer science, statistics and machine learning at Fast Forward Labs in New York City. While getting his PhD in astrophysics he spent 2% of his time observing the heavens in beautiful far west Texas, and the other 98% trying to figure out how to fit straight lines to data. He once did a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, which, amazingly, is a real place


Getting Started with Deep Learning using Keras and Python

August 1, 2016

Experiment with deep learning neural networks using Keras, a high-level alternative to TensorFlow and Theano. Get started by focusing on model structure, and avoid the complexity of numerical programming on GPUs. Play faster and go deep.

Getting Started with Deep Learning using Keras and Python

May 31, 2016

Experiment with deep learning neural networks using Keras, a high-level alternative to TensorFlow and Theano. Get started by focusing on model structure, and avoid the complexity of numerical programming on GPUs. Play faster and go deep.