Luciano Ramalho

Luciano Ramalho was a Web developer before the Netscape IPO in 1995, and switched from Perl to Java to Python in 1998. Since then he worked on some of the largest news portals in Brazil using Python, and taught Python web development in the Brazilian media, banking and government sectors. His speaking credentials include PyCon US (2013), OSCON (2002, 2013), and 15 talks over the years at PythonBrasil (the Brazilian PyCon) and FISL (the largest FLOSS conference in the Southern Hemisphere). Ramalho is a member of the Python Software Foundation and co-founder of Garoa Hacker Clube, the first hackerspace in Brazil. He is co-owner of, a training company.


Fluent Python: The power of special methods

August 1, 2016

You’ve used Python for years. Do you really know it? Be brave and skin that Python. In this cut, Luciano Ramalho probes deep into special methods and the Data Model. Become fluent with idiomatic Python.

Fluent Python: The Power of Special Methods

May 18, 2016

You’ve used Python for years. Do you really know it? Be brave and skin that Python. In this cut, Luciano Ramalho probes deep into special methods and the Data Model. Become fluent with idiomatic Python.