Jupyter at O’Reilly
Andrew Odewahn explains how O’Reilly Media applied the Jupyter architecture to create the next generation of technical content.
Andrew Odewahn explains how O’Reilly Media applied the Jupyter architecture to create the next generation of technical content.
New tools help organizations give learners what they need, when they need it.
A step-by-step tutorial on how to install and run JupyterHub on gcloud.
Combining serverless architecture with a React frontend means you can spin up applications with minimal administrative overhead.
Script generation from RNNs, Tensorflow book companion notebooks, transportation insights from notebooks, machine learning notebooks.
TensorFlow cookbook materials, source notebooks, Python lectures, and Software Carpentry.
TSFRESH, 100 days of algorithms, how JupyterHub tamed big science, colorizing photos.
Opinionated Docker stacks, Jupyter Themes, Jupyter in the bank, and Zuckerberg's man in the lab.
JupyterDay Philly, Harmonics deep dive, Jupyter building blocks, and autoencoded Pokémon.
Python cheat sheet, open source DL guide, Keen IO, and digital signal processing.
Reproducibility, TensorFlow examples, the new NBA, and 30,699 Kobe Bryant shots.
When you explore a new technology landscape, the journey can take you to places you never expected. Read this guide to avoid pitfalls and save a lot of time.
O'Reilly Media is using our Atlas platform to make Jupyter Notebooks a first class authoring environment for our publishing program.