Adam Kocoloski

Adam is a Co-founder and CTO of Cloudant, and an IBM Distinguished Engineer. He is an Apache CouchDB developer, joining the project as one of the first ten committers, and the lead architect of a Dynamo-flavored clustering solution for CouchDB that serves as the core of Cloudant's distributed data management platform. Adam’s record of open source contributions and thought leadership in the Erlang, NoSQL and web services communities include numerous publications and presentations at conferences, including Erlang Factory, Strata and SPIN. He recently presented a keynote address at MongoDB World in New York City where he announced Cloudant Query, a MongDB-style declarative query language that creates a better developer experience by reducing the learning curve to Cloudant. Adam received his Ph.D. in Physics from MIT in 2010, where he studied the gluon's contribution to the spin structure of the proton. He is a proud father to three beautiful girls.


Open by design, open for data

March 31, 2016

Open source software is a key source of innovation for companies, and the cloud is becoming the medium to enhance the benefits of open source.