Non-frames users:
To return to the index search form, use your browser's "back" command.
Enter a term you want to search for.
"Plain text" searches -- terms like "reply to messages" or "outputting" --
do not work in this index.
Single words, without endings like "ing" or "s", usually work best.
(The searches above would be better as "reply" or "output".)
Upper and lower case don't matter; A and a are the same.
If you enter part of a word, I'll search for any word that contains
those characters.
For example, if you want to find directory or directories,
you can search for director.
If you type more than one word (with a space between), I'll search for
them as a phrase.
For example, enter mh profile to search for entries about the MH
You can use UNIX egrep -i regular expressions.
(More on that below.)
The index has three levels.
You can search multiple levels by putting a comma
(,) between levels.
For example, here's what the three levels look like, in the non-searchable
version, in your browser:
background processing
Insert @
cutting and pasting
To search for exmh commands, which is split across two levels,
you would enter the search
exmh, commands
and you would get back these three entries from the searchable index: