And the winners of the third annual 2024 O’Reilly Awards are…

(Drumroll, please)

Determining the winners of the 2024 O’Reilly Awards was no easy task for our panel of judges. Each entry told an inspiring story about putting the O’Reilly learning platform to work for their organization.

Congratulations to all our winners, and a huge thank you to every organization that submitted an entry for this year’s O’Reilly Awards. We’re already getting excited for 2025!

Most Effective User Onboarding Program

The judges looked for interesting engagement strategies that quickly got users active on the platform, including novel internal communications approaches and other ideas that helped drive early adoption of O’Reilly within their organization.



What made Sportingtech stand out to the judges:

Sportingtech has impressed the team at O’Reilly. From the initial pilot to the launch of the O’Reilly platform, Sportingtech has remained engaged and entered into the partnership with an open mind and a real gusto to achieve success. In the first months of partnership, we have seen over 94% adoption of learners using the O’Reilly platform.


GXS Bank Pte. Ltd.

What made GXS Bank Pte. Ltd. stand out to the judges:

GXS Bank partnered with O’Reilly to enhance employee onboarding and foster continuous learning. During the initial onboarding phase, they organized virtual and live demo sessions to ensure that engineers were well-equipped to fully utilize the platform. Additionally, an in-person session was held for graduate associates, where an O’Reilly speaker offered personalized advice on effective platform usage and career growth.

Best in Reskilling & Upskilling Transformation

Judges looked for how teams leveraged O’Reilly en masse to drive a skills transformation across their organization, whether they were migrating to the cloud, adopting AI, or ensuring security is baked into all of their organization’s products. How did they engage their teams, how did O’Reilly help, and what was the end result?



What made Oracle stand out to the judges:

Oracle’s collaboration with O’Reilly has helped empower its employees to stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving tech landscape. By providing a centralized platform, curated learning paths, and customized content delivery, Oracle has successfully fostered a culture of continuous learning and upskilling leveraging O’Reilly content.



What made Aviva stand out to the judges:

Aviva created the Quantum Campus, a bespoke AI and Data Academy designed as a one-stop shop for learners. As Chief Data Officer Alessia Kosagowsky highlighted, ‘The Quantum Campus represents a monumental leap forward for Aviva, embodying our relentless pursuit of excellence in data science. It is a hub not just for learning, but for innovation, collaboration, and growth.’

Best in Building AI Awareness

A new award celebrating those who used our platform to shed light on the transformative power and potential of AI. Our judges searched for insightful strategies that effectively fostered a deeper understanding and awareness of AI’s future.



What made Tavant stand out to the judges:

Tavant leveraged the O’Reilly learning platform to significantly enhance AI awareness and skills across its organization. Over 2,600 associates engaged in comprehensive AI education, covering workshops, practical exercises, and assessments. The platform’s resources facilitated certifications, on-demand learning, and skill development, fostering innovation and driving the adoption of AI-driven solutions within Tavant.


Dana Indonesia

What made Dana Indonesia stand out to the judges:

Recognizing the transformative power of AI, DANA Indonesia launched a strategic initiative leveraging O’Reilly to raise AI awareness across the organization. They incentivized employees to explore AI-related content by tying learning milestones to KPIs. O’Reilly’s extensive content and creation of targeted learning programs suggest a strong ROI in terms of skill development and AI integration across the organization.

Engineering Excellence

The judges were looking for how organizations used our learning platform to retrain teams, improve productivity, or otherwise take teams to the next level. Why did you develop an engineering learning program—and how did O’Reilly help your teams reach your goals?


Maya Philippines, Inc.

What made Maya Philippines stand out to the judges:

For the past ten years, Maya has been utilizing O’Reilly for knowledge enhancement, skill development, and learning from industry experts. O’Reilly has delivered a tailored learning program that not only supports upskilling, but fosters a culture of continuous learning. The O’Reilly platform’s rich and user-focused content has empowered their team to grow and stay ahead in an ever-evolving tech landscape.



What made Deriv stand out to the judges:

Deriv’s talent development team and the Engineering Department have successfully launched their Full-Stack Engineer roadmap. O’Reilly contributed to the development of learning pathways that assist engineers in their full-stack journey. The live sessions on a variety of skills have been very beneficial, helping engineers reach their strategic learning objectives. As a result, learning consumption rose 35% from 2023 to 2024.

O’Reilly’s Choice

A select group of organizations were nominated for the coveted O’Reilly’s Choice award. The judges looked for interesting stories from organizations that embraced a culture of learning with their employees and used the O’Reilly learning platform to help nurture their talent in a purposeful way.


Morgan Stanley

What made Morgan Stanley stand out to the judges:

The firm’s Technology Division drives a strong culture of continuous learning and innovation across its diverse global technology workforce. Morgan Stanley offers a combination of curated learning experiences and powerful self-directed tooling. Learning occurs in the context of its technology strategy and is linked to goal setting. Engagement rates doubled in the past year with O’Reilly live courses and contributions from the firm’s Distinguished Engineers playing a big part.


Keysight Technologies, Inc.

What made Keysight stand out to the judges:

Keysight recognizes the rapid pace of technological change as they promote a culture of adaptability and lifelong learning. Through their technical learning library, O’Reilly encourages employees to continuously update their skills and knowledge to keep pace with evolving technologies and industry trends.

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