Customer testimonial

The following testimonial was written by one of our learning platform enterprise customers at Tavant, a digital products and solutions company that provides impactful results to its customers across a wide range of industries. They share their experience using O’Reilly in their own words.

Powering innovative projects through cloud learning programs

Tavant is a product and services organization; therefore, it is of utmost importance to build cloud capabilities to enable agile solutions for our customers. We have been leveraging the O’Reilly platform since 2020.

Our CloudEdge program aimed to create awareness of cloud technologies, enable associates to learn the AWS and Azure platforms, and support certification in either platform per project requirements.

In partnership with the Cloud-COE team, we developed a clear cloud learning strategy to enable our associates to understand the organizational goals, identify the benefits of the cloud, and support the translation of the vision and roadmap for transforming our customers into a reality.

We leveraged the O’Reilly learning platform for certification practice and hands-on labs. Providing training and upskilling programs to our associates helped them to adapt to the cloud environment, utilize new tools and technologies, and develop cloud-related competencies. O’Reilly’s Azure and AWS labs were truly awesome in giving our associates hands-on experience.

The impact:

  • 72% of associates completed cloud-related learning programs between June 2022 and June 2023.
  • 146 associates were certified in AWS and Azure.
  • 94 associates were certified in other business verticals.

Sujatha Das, AVP - HR & Global Head-Knowledge Excellence, Tavant